Tickets and my auto insurance rate in Mesa Arizona


Do you want to  know how a ticket is going to affect your insurance rate?  It's important to know that every insurance carrier has their own way of looking at tickets.  For instance, some carriers will not "surcharge" a clients auto premium for one minor speeding ticket; however another carrier very well may.

Most carriers will look at the last 3 years of your driving record to determine what will factor into your rate.  After 3 years, they usually will not use driving data to factor the rate.  So a speeding ticket over 3 years old mostly likely will not have a bearing on your insurance rate.

Further, different tickets are viewed differently.  For instance, a minor speeding ticket, say under 15 miles per hour or less over the speed limit, won't impact you as hard as a major speeding ticket, say over 30 miles an hour over the limit.  Of course a DUI will have the most negative impact on your insurance and these insurance companies will often "ding" you for 5 years instead of the standard 3 years for other tickets.

Only moving violations will count against you.  So a parking ticket for instance, will not have any impact on your insurance rate.  Some examples of moving violations are:


failure to obey a traffic sign or device

failure to yield right of way

failure to stop

reckless driving

crossing over a center divider

The list is long.  One thing you should know; as we mentioned earlier, each insurance carrier looks at these tickets differently, some penalize more than others.  The best thing you can do is call Insurance Professionals of Arizona at 480-981-6338 for a free quote on your Mesa Arizona auto insurance or go online for a free QUOTE NOW.  As insurance brokers, IPA can shop around for you and find the carrier who will offer you the best rate and coverage.