Does my Arizona home policy cover me for floods?


As we continue to see more and more odd weather patterns and more destructive natural disasters, one should ask themselves if they are properly covered with their home insurance policy. Many people think that water damage and flood damage are one and the same; in fact, they are not. Flood damage is not covered by home insurance in Arizona or anywhere. Flood insurance must be purchases through the National Flood Insurance Program offered by FEMAInsurance Professionals of Arizona can help you purchase that flood insurance policy at no extra charge to you.

On the un-endorsed HO3 home owners policy under exlusions of one common carrier it reads, "We do not cover loss caused directly or indirectly by any of the following. Such loss is excluded regardless of any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any sequence to the loss. Water damage, meaning: Flood, surface water, waves, tidal water, overflow of a body of water, or spray from any of these, whether or not driven by wind; Water which backs up through sewers or drains or which overflows from a sump; or, Water below the surface of the ground, including water which exerts pressure on or seeps or leaks through a building, sidewalk, driveway, foundation, swimming pool or other structure.

It is possible to endorse some coverage for backup of sewers and drains, but even that would be limited to a certain dollar amount.

I know here in Arizona we are not as concerned about flooding as in other parts of the country but many homeowners had a rude awakening up in Anthem when they received 5 inches of rain in an hour and many homes were severely damaged by the resulting flood waters. Some of them experienced damage in excess of $35,000 and did not receive one red cent from their insurance because flood is not covered and cannot be purchased through a typical home pollicy.

If you would like more information on flood insurance please contact Insurance Professionals of Arizona at 480-981-6338. If you would like a free review of your home owners policy to see what other coverage gaps you may have we are happy to do a free reveiw for you and then get you some free comparative bids.